Ingrown Hair Removal in NYC

Ingrown hairs can be annoying and painful, and usually are the price of shaving. These types of hairs can leave behind dark spots and scars, leading to feelings of self-consciousness. At Romeo & Juliette Laser Hair Removal, our clients can eliminate their ongoing struggle with ingrown hairs.

What are Ingrown Hairs?

Ingrown hairs are strands of hair that reenter the skin while growing back in after being shaved, waxed, or otherwise temporarily removed. It isn’t the growing-in process that makes an ingrown hair problematic; it’s that the hair may get trapped somehow (usually curly or coarse hair) and the tissue around it becomes inflamed.

Ingrown Hair Removal New York NY

What Causes Ingrown Hairs?

Any grooming of the hair on the face, head, or body can lead to ingrown hairs. Experts suggest that removal methods that pull hair from follicles, such as tweezing, could increase the risk for abnormal growth. The pattern of hair growth and characteristics could also be the cause. Curly or coarse hairs may provoke reentry into the skin during the growing-in phase.

Is it bad to pull out ingrown hairs?

It is not advisable to pull or pluck ingrown hair. The skin around the affected follicle is inflamed and at risk for infection. If the ingrown hair has caused a pustule, fluid-filled cyst, there may already be a slight infection happening. Pulling the hair, or even shaving in the area, can increase the risks associated with infection, including hyperpigmentation and scarring. The best thing to do is to consult with a professional. Laser hair removal is a quick and effective way to remove ingrown hairs. The cycle of hair growth is interrupted after the very first treatment, so the symptoms of the ingrown hair may resolve within a few days to a week of the initial laser session.

Common Areas Affected by Ingrown Hairs

Men and women can both have ingrown hairs, however, they have them in different places. Men tend to get them on the chin, cheeks, and neck. Men who shave their head or other areas of the body may also see them in these places. Women may get ingrown hairs in the bikini area, the armpits, legs, chin, and neck.

Symptoms of Ingrown Hairs

  • Itching of the skin
  • Pain around the skin
  • Redness or other hyperpigmentation
  • Papules, which are small, solid bumps
  • Pustules, or small bumps filled with fluid
  • Ingrown hairs embedded beneath the skin

Are ingrown hairs painful?

They can be. An ingrown hair can become lodged within the pore, where it continues to grow inward. This can cause a bump or cyst to form, which can become tender to the touch. Fortunately, laser ingrown hair removal quickly destroys the ingrown hair as well as the uncomfortable inflammation around it.

What happens if I don’t treat my ingrown hair?

It is possible for an ingrown hair to cause infection in the follicle. This can result in increased pain, an oozing cyst, and scarring. The skin around it can darken over time, and the hyperpigmentation may not fully lighten to the natural tone of the skin. This tends to be particularly common in people with darker skin.

How To Prepare For Ingrown Hair Removal

There are not many precautions that need to be taken before laser hair removal. Depending on our discussion during your initial consultation, we may suggest that you:

  • Avoid sun exposure and excessive tanning
  • Stop waxing and plucking before laser hair removal treatment.
  • Avoid certain supplements, anti-inflammatory medications, and aspirin

Watch Laser Hair Removal Treatment for Ingrown Hair

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Good Candidates for Ingrown Hair Removal

Any person who experiences recurrent ingrown hairs may be a good candidate for laser hair removal. This approach can achieve long-term results because laser energy disables hair follicles, so they are no longer productive. Where there is no hair growing in, there are no ingrown hairs. Treatment may be necessary if the ingrown hair does not dislodge on its own and is causing uncomfortable symptoms or infection. A doctor may need to treat this condition with antibiotics or by manually removing the troublesome hair.

What Treatment Options are Available for Ingrown Hairs?

Lasers are commonly used to dramatically reduce the amount of hair growth that occurs in a given area, such as the chin or the bikini line. More than a one-time treatment for ingrown hairs, laser hair removal is performed to permanently affect further hair growth cycles.

This procedure is a systematic method of treating unwanted hair to achieve semi-permanent results. Most people who choose this technique no longer require grooming to get rid of hair. However, stray hairs may grow back occasionally. Depending on the extent of recurrent hair growth, touch up treatments may be performed periodically.

The way that the procedure works is by emitting low-energy laser light from a handpiece that is moved across the skin. This energy permeates hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously, where light targets the pigment in the strands of hair that are in the follicle. When the light comes into contact with the hair, it becomes heat, and the thermal energy that develops disables the hair follicle.

Laser Hair Removal on Ingrown Hair Before & After Photos

Ingrown Hair Removal Surgery NYC

How Many Laser Treatments Will I Need?

Several factors determine how many laser treatments may be needed to achieve long-term benefits. Most people can obtain their desired outcome with 4 to 8 sessions scheduled several weeks apart. More attention may be needed depending on overall thickness and resilience of the hair.

Each laser treatment disrupts hair that is in the anagen, or active, growth phase. Hair still exists in telogen (resting) and catagen (regression) stages and cannot be affected by laser energy until the active growth phase is reached.

What Is Recovery Like?

There is no downtime associated with laser hair removal in general, nor for ingrown hair. You may return to work and most normal activities right away. Your provider may discuss skincare such as exfoliation, as well as what products to use and which to avoid, during the few days after your sessions. Typically, clients are advised to avoid excessive sun exposure and heat for a few days. Doing so can prevent unnecessary inflammation and sunburn-type sensation in the treated skin.

Ingrown Hair Removal Patient Testimonial

I had laser before at different facilities with no visible success. One of my friends recommended Romeo & Juliette laser hair removal. I had stubborn ingrown on my bikini which there has been forever. Within two visits, I had an amazing results. They are definitely worth the price.

-Luxury N.

What to Expect From Your Results

One of the gratifying aspects of laser hair removal is that the body begins to slough off the unwanted hair right away. This includes ingrown hairs. This happens because the light from the laser vaporizes the strands of hair that are in the follicles at the time of treatment. The hairs become ultra-thin and fragile, falling out in a matter of days. One session of treatment can eliminate existing ingrown hair. However, the follicle remains active. A full course of treatment that involves multiple sessions scheduled weeks apart can significantly alter future hair growth to achieve lasting results.

Can I Combine Ingrown Hair Removal With Other Procedures?

Absolutely! At Romeo & Juliette, laser hair removal is our specialty. Our clients can address ingrown hairs and unwanted hair in the same area or in multiple areas. We use the very best laser devices available today, and select a laser device based on the nuances of each client's skin, hair, and desired outcome.

Schedule A Consultation In NYC Today!

People who are frequently faced with ingrown hairs can dramatically improve the condition of their skin when they choose laser hair removal. To learn more about our treatment process, contact our office at 212-750-2000 to schedule a consultation today.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know our team.

02. Help us understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our laser hair removal treatments.


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“This place is spectacular. I left there extremely satisfied and hair free!! The staff are great and I still continue to go. I give 10 stars.”

N.K. -Client Review