Clarity II Laser by Lutronic
Laser Hair Removal in NYC

At Romeo & Juliette Laser, we specialize in laser hair removal and our team knows that every person’s skin is unique. Historically, laser hair removal has been better suited to specific circumstances. The best results were achieved in people with a marked contrast between hair color and skin tone. As new technologies and laser devices have been developed, the opportunity to reduce hair for good is becoming available to a wider range of patients. We are proud to be at the forefront of laser technology and its benefits for our clients, bringing new lasers into our facility as they prove their value through clinical performance.

Clarity II Device

What is the Clarity Laser?

The Clarity laser is made by Lutronic to deliver dual-wavelength energy. This laser includes long-pulsed 755nm Alexandrite wavelengths as well as 1064nm Nd: YAG laser energy. This combination may be especially advantageous for people with darker skin. Each wavelength can be adjusted to varying skin types and hair colors to maximize effectiveness and minimize the risk of skin damage and discoloration.

How Does the Clarity Technology Work?

Laser hair reduction and removal rely on photothermolysis, the scientific principle that involves the transference of particular wavelengths of laser light into heat energy. Clarity delivers its Alexandrite and Nd: YAG wavelengths into hair follicles, where these light energies are absorbed by the melanin in strands of hair. Here, light transforms into heat. Thermal energy quickly builds up in hair follicles, causing controlled damage to the walls of the follicles, the dermal papillae, and the stem cells that are involved in hair growth in the targeted area. The incremental damage to treated hair follicles renders them inactive for many years, if not indefinitely.

What Are the Benefits of Clarity over Other Laser Hair Removal Options?

The Clarity laser hair removal system has two distinct wavelengths that make this device capable of treating a wide range of skin colors and tones. One wavelength is suitable for lighter skin and the other is great for darker skin. Experts agree that this laser is an excellent option even for darker skin types because the longer wavelength of laser light passes through the skin to target melanin in the hair shaft without affecting the epidermis.

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How is the Clarity™ II Laser Different from Other Devices for Laser Hair Removal?

The Clarity™ II laser device from Lutronic is designed with a few significant features that make it stand out. First is the IntelliTrak™ technology that makes it easier to treat larger areas in less time. This device has shown the potential to be twice as fast as other lasers used for hair removal. There is also a feature for real-time skin temperature feedback, which helps your provider achieve uniform heating with little risk of side effects like overheating or inflammation of the skin. The efficacy of the laser hair removal process is also amplified by shorter pulse widths of 1 to 2ms.

What areas can the Clarity™ II Laser Be Used On?

This laser device can be used on the face and body, nearly from head to toe. Some of the common treatment areas include:

  • Upper lip
  • Chin/beard
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Shoulders
  • Chest
  • Abdomen
  • Underarms
  • Breasts/nipples
  • Buttocks
  • Legs

How Can I Cool My Skin after Having Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

It's not uncommon to feel mild discomfort after laser hair removal. The skin may feel hot "from the inside out" or as if you have a mild sunburn. This happens because laser light is absorbed into the hair follicles as heat. That's how the hair follicles are disabled. One of the best ways to prepare for your laser hair removal post treatment is to plan out what you can do if you experience this side effect. Some of the strategies that our patients try include:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing both for your appointment and for a few days afterward. Soft, loose clothing doesn't rub or compress the skin like your favorite pair of jeans, and airy items let your skin breathe more easily.
  • During the first two days after laser hair removal, take cool or lukewarm showers. Even if you typically prefer hot showers, the cooler water on your skin may feel quite good. 
  • Stick to applying only aloe vera gel and unscented, hypoallergenic lotions to the treated area as you recover from a session. Talk to your provider if you want to apply oil like jojoba oil in between your appointments. 

I have Darker Skin. Is the Clarity™ II Laser a Good Option for Me?

One of the various advantages of the Clarity II laser is that it's designed to treat a wider range of skin types, including dark skin. This is possible through the use of a long-pulsed 755nm Alexandrite laser and a 1064nm Nd:YAG laser, the latter of which is considered very safe for dark skin. The adjustable settings on the device allow the provider to switch wavelengths and also intensity, which makes the treatment customizable to your skin tone and also your hair color. This is another benefit of the Clarity II device, that it has a greater capacity to treat hair colors beyond just black and dark brown.

How Long Is the Clarity Laser Procedure?

An average hair reduction session at our NYC office lasts approximately one hour. The session may increase or decrease in time based on the size of the treatment area and the number of areas treated in one appointment.

How Should I Care for My Skin After the Procedure?

Laser hair removal can increase the photosensitivity of the skin for a short time. Some people may also experience slight irritation or dryness. Skincare after Clarity laser hair removal sessions may include:

  • Avoiding sun exposure for one week after treatment.
  • Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to prevent excessive irritation or skin damage.
  • If the skin feels sunburned or irritated, take Tylenol as directed to manage these side effects.
  • Comfort may be improved by applying cool compresses or aloe vera gel.
  • Do not undergo other laser treatments or chemical peels on the treated area for at least 2 weeks after laser hair removal.
  • Lotion and other moisturizers can be applied 24 hours after a laser hair removal treatment.
  • After gently cleaning the skin, pat it dry rather than rubbing.
  • If pigmentation changes, blisters, or prolonged swelling or redness occur, contact our office.

Is Treatment Painful?

The Clarity laser features a built-in cooling mechanism that activates after each laser pulse. This cooling feature dissipates heat and protects the skin while also maintaining optimal comfort. The device applicator also has a large spot-size and quick-pulse technology that work together to expedite the effects of treatment so each session is quick and comfortable.

Is the Clarity Laser safe?

Laser hair removal is a safe and well-studied technique of getting rid of unwanted hair for good. Safety and satisfaction are two of our primary goals in providing laser hair removal services. Therefore, the devices that we add to our selection are vetted thoroughly for results with as few side effects as possible. In general, the side effects of laser hair removal typically include mild redness and a sunburned sensation that last approximately 24 to 48 hours. More intense complications such as blistering are rare.

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Who is a Suitable Candidate For Clarity II Laser?

The Clarity II Laser is suitable for most hair and skin types.  If you have a unique condition or a specific skin type, make sure to let your technician know during your consultation.

Who Is Not a Good Candidate For Clarity II Laser?

Although the Clarity II Laser can be very effective, certain factors can disqualify you from receiving treatment. People who are not in good health are not suitable candidates. You must also not be pregnant or currently nursing. Your technician will go over more about what can make you an ideal candidate for Lutronic Clarity II treatment.

How Long Does Treatment Take to Complete?

The duration of Clarity II Laser treatment depends on what is being treated. More specifically, it depends on the size of the area being treated. On average, it can up to five to 30 minutes. The treatment can take longer if you have multiple areas that require Clairty II Laser treatment.

What Does the Clarity II Laser Feel Like?

Patients who have received Clarity II Laser treatment have described it as a “snapping” sensation on the skin. However, one of the main benefits of the Clarity II Laser is that it has a built-in cooling system to maximize the comfort of our patients.

How Do I Prepare For This Procedure?

Before it is time for your appointment, it is highly recommended that you shave the targeted areas first. This is done as a precautionary measure to ensure the patient is comfortable and the treatment is effective.  Your technician will inform you of what you need to do during your consultation.

Contact Us Today

Your satisfaction is our #1 goal! To learn more about the Clarity system for permanent hair reduction or to schedule an appointment in our New York City office, call 212-750-2000.

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01. Get to know our team.

02. Help us understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our laser hair removal treatments.


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“This place is spectacular. I left there extremely satisfied and hair free!! The staff are great and I still continue to go. I give 10 stars.”

N.K. -Client Review